The best leaders in the world understand the importance of having a strong team behind them, with people whom they trust and can defer to. Successful people know they can do anything they put their minds to, but they also know that they can't do everything themselves. Instead, they double down on their strengths and outsource the rest.
When you try to be everything to everyone, you actually end up being nothing to all of them. Spreading yourself too thinly takes away the superpowers of what makes you great. You'll end up providing significantly less value to people than if you had stuck to your core strengths, and outsourced help for the things you're not so good at.
Delegating to others is hard work - it's an upfront investment in time, and requires you to identify the correct people to delegate to. But it allows you to grow and work ON your business rather than IN it every second of the day, helping you to scale more quickly. Delegate to the wrong people however, and you not only lose its advantages completely, but you'll also likely end up doing twice the work to clean up the mess.
So know that we know the importance of delegating, let's talk about who to delegate to, and how to do it effectively.