*Please Read Before Making Any Purchases With Us*

*Please Read Before Making Any Purchases With Us*

Adrian Petrie Consulting Pty Ltd and its associates makes no claims or representations that by using any of our products, services, strategies, systems, programs, packages or courses, will you earn money or make your money back. No promise or guarantee of earnings is made by Adrian Petrie Consulting Pty Ltd or any of its associates.

Adrian Petrie Consulting Pty Ltd and its associates does not, under any circumstances, guarantee any specific result or level of performance for your business. No warranties are made that our work will generate any particular result for you.

From time to time we may provide you with examples of our own results, or examples of our clients' results, but this does not in any way suggest that you or your business will achieve the same, or similar, results. Any of our clients' results, or Adrian's own results, should be seen as not typical.

Business is hard, and your business's experience and results will vary based on (but not limited to) the effort, skillset and education of you, your staff, your management team, your business model, the quality of your offer, the quality of your products/services, your reputation within your industry, technology and algorithm changes, as well as other market forces and conditions beyond anyone's control.

As such, we DO NOT promise any particular results for our clients, and by entering into a service agreement with us, you acknowledge and agree to this.

Whilst we endeavour to provide the best possible results for our clients at all times, no guarantee of results is made, and as such, to the full extent of the Australian law (Victoria), refunds will not be made available if a service doesn't meet your expectations.

Adrian Petrie Consulting Pty Ltd and its associates accepts no responsibility for any actions you take, or don't take, as a result of any purchases or downloads you make with Adrian Petrie Consulting Pty Ltd. We are not responsible for your results, and accept sole responsibility for all decisions you make.

If you choose to work with, to the full extent of the Victorian, Australian law, you agree that Adrian Petrie Consulting Pty Ltd and its associates will not be held liable for any loss of profits, taxes, costs, expenses, claims, fines, penalties, sanctions or other costs you may face as a result of any actions you have chosen to take, or not take, as a result of working with us.

Our advice is of a general nature, and as such you should seek professional advice before taking any action or entering into a contract with us if you are unsure about any aspects whatsoever.  Our advice does NOT constitute professional advice.

If you are not willing to accept the risks of spending money on your business, we recommend that you do not purchase our products or services.

You acknowledge this disclaimer with all purchases you make.

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