Custom Copywriting

Expertly Crafted Copy, designed to make people pay attention... and money... for your message

As A Best-Selling Author, Adrian Knows A Thing or two about writing copy that converts

Looking For A Compelling, Hair-Raising Message That Stops Your Audience Dead In Their Tracks?

Looking For A Compelling, Hair-Raising Message That Stops Your Audience Dead In Their Tracks?

Want The Unwavering Attention Of Your Customers, Making Them Giddy With Excitement To Buy?

Want The Unwavering Attention Of Your Customers, Making Them Giddy With Excitement To Buy?

Know What You're Trying To Say, But Just Can't Seem To Find The Right Words?

Know What You're Trying To Say, But Just Can't Seem To Find The Right Words?

Motivate. Inspire. Excite. Persuade.

The Key Elements To Successful Copy

Copywriting is a form of writing that's designed to sell... it's using words to turn prospects into paying customers.

It's the TV ads you see, the magazines you read, or even the discussion you have with your husband when he tries to convince you that his golf trip is actually beneficial for you 😂

Copy is literally EVERYWHERE, and we get it...

Crafting the perfect message to engage your audience can be tricky.

It takes most experienced copywriters YEARS to learn how to write effective sales messages.

But knowing how to put it all together in a way that CONVERTS prospects into paying customers.... well that's another challenge altogether.

Persuasive Copywriting Is An Art Form...

Perhaps even a calling.

But one thing that's for certain, is learning how to craft compelling copy that converts like crazy, takes years of passion and dedication to figure it all out.

It's much more than just listing your products and services, and hoping for the best...

And it's certainly not just opening a blank page and writing the first thing that comes to your mind....

Every Single Word Should Strategically Bring Your Prospects One Step Closer Towards Buying From You

And the way you do that, is by connecting to people through stories.

Customers buy from you when you're able to make them see what you see...

Think how you think...

Feel what you feel...

And when you help them to have the same epiphany that you had when you realised your product/service was THE missing piece of the puzzle that your dream customers needed, that's when you make sales!

Great Copy Connects People To Your Vision... It Helps Them To Believe In Your Products/Services (& The Transformation They Have), As Strongly As You Do

And when you combine with the right tone, language and stories, that's when you create deep human connections that make people excited to buy!

It's all in the persuasive language, and all in the connections you form with your audience.

It's why they say the pen is mightier than the sword!

The day you get your copy right, is the day your marketing becomes unstoppable... 

And we can help get you there!

Motivate. Inspire. Excite. Persuade.

The Key Elements To Successful Copy

Copywriting is a form of writing that's designed to sell... it's using words to turn prospects into paying customers.

It's the TV ads you see, the magazines you read, or even the discussion you have with your husband when he tries to convince you that his golf trip is actually beneficial for you 😂

Copy is literally EVERYWHERE, and we get it...

Crafting the perfect message to engage your audience can be tricky.

It takes most experienced copywriters YEARS to learn how to write effective sales messages.

But knowing how to put it all together in a way that CONVERTS prospects into paying customers.... well that's another challenge altogether.

Persuasive Copywriting Is An Art Form...

Perhaps even a calling.

But one thing that's for certain, is learning how to craft compelling copy that converts like crazy, takes years of passion and dedication to figure it all out.

It's much more than just listing your products and services, and hoping for the best...

And it's certainly not just opening a blank page and writing the first thing that comes to your mind....

Every Single Word Should Strategically Bring Your Prospects One Step Closer Towards Buying From You

And the way you do that, is by connecting to people through stories.

Customers buy from you when you're able to make them see what you see...

Think how you think...

Feel what you feel...

And when you help them to have the same epiphany that you had when you realised your product/service was THE missing piece of the puzzle that your dream customers needed, that's when you make sales!

Great Copy Connects People To Your Vision... It Helps Them To Believe In Your Products/Services (& The Transformation They Have), As Strongly As You Do

And when you combine with the right tone, language and stories, that's when you create deep human connections that make people excited to buy!

It's all in the persuasive language, and all in the connections you form with your audience.

It's why they say the pen is mightier than the sword!

The day you get your copy right, is the day your marketing becomes unstoppable... 

And we can help get you there!

Here's How It Works...

As a Best-Selling Author, Adrian knows a thing or two about writing copy that converts

And he writes it personally for you!

He's also written hundreds of ads that have attracted the best talent in the marketplace for over half a decade while he worked in recruitment...

Meaning he's an expert at finding the unique angles and selling points that you need to make your copy convert like crazy.

Adrian will personally work with you to capture your story, understand your business, uncover your pain points, identify your goals and most importantly... help you take your customers from where they are right now, to where they want to be.

Adrian creates personalised, custom copy for your:

Email Marketing Campaigns

Landing Pages

Sales pages

Digital Ads

video sales scripts


E-commerce product descriptions

And Yes, Adrian Really Is A Best-Selling Author...

Custom Copywriting Is GREAT For...

 Increasing Conversions

Sales is the lifeblood of your business, and your copy is what makes those sales take place.  The better the copy in your emails, funnels, content and ads, the more deals you'll be able to close.  Adrian's goal is to make it rain for your business. Cha-ching!

 Bringing In More Sales

Persuasive writing that closes deals is an art form.  If your offers aren't converting, it's likely because your copy isn't up to scratch.  The right copy can help to position yourself as an expert, which is the key to exploding your sales.  High-quality copywriting is just what the doctor ordered.

 Enhancing Your Status

You can boost your credibility significantly by simply making strategic tweaks to the language you use.  Positive connotations and creative flair helps to build more excitement, interest, and most importantly, trust, in your products and services.

 Selling To The Masses (Without Having Hundreds Of Individual Conversations)

One of the toughest things about sales is creating a consistent pipeline of hungry, eager-to-buy prospects.
In order to create that pipeline, you need to have hundreds, if not thousands of individual conversations a week. It gets tedious, not to mention exhausting, and the margin for error is extremely high at that volume. 

The right copy can literally sell for you in your sleep... Taking away much of the hard work and saving you the pain of having to have the same conversation over and over again.

When you can communicate and influence people at scale, that's when you make more sales.

 People Who Hate Writing

We get it. Just because Adrian enjoys writing, doesn't mean everyone else does too. Let us take that stress away from you and do all the heavy lifting on your behalf.  Adrian's got your back!

Want To Order Custom Copy For Your Business?

Skip The Queue is coming soon, but you can still order Custom Copywriting for your business right now!

If you would like to order Custom Copy, simply email us at to place your order!

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Got questions about Custom Copywriting? We have answers!

Below are answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions

What is copy?
Copy is the written material used to inspire and persuade people to buy or take action.  Effectively, it means the words you use to help you bring in more sales.
Why is persuasive language so important?
Simply put, if you can't persuade in your writing, you won't close many deals.  Copywriting can make or break a business.

Think of it this way... Copy = Money
I know the Adrian Petrie Consulting team has experts in a number of different areas, so who will be writing my copy for me? Will Adrian personally write my copy for me?
Yes, he will!  Writing is Adrian's thing - so whilst he can't design a website to save himself (have look at our Website Development page if you want a laugh...), he thrives when it comes to writing.  He loves bringing his clients' stories, message and business to life!
What types of projects will Adrian write my copy for?
Copywriting is vast, and Adrian has the ability to write copy in a number of different areas (although he asks you don't request for him to write your own book!)

Typically Adrian writes email sequences, sales pages, sales letters, marketing materials, advertisements, and scripts.  If you want to know if Adrian can help with a project that you're stuck on, just ask!
How do I place an order?
Simply email us at or reach out to Adrian on social media!
What if I'm not happy with some of the copy?  Can I make revisions?
Absolutely!  Adrian always wants his clients to be happy with their work, so once he completes the first draft, he will send it to you for approval/comments on what you'd like changed.  He'll make note of what you'd like to tweak, and then he'll make those changes.
Can I have more than one revision to my custom copy?
In most cases, unfortunately not.  Copywriting is one of those things that you could be stuck doing forever if you don't make a conscious decision to put your work out into the world. You could forever be changing words or sentences, which won't serve you or your business well at all.

Adrian's consultation process is deliberately thorough to ensure your copy is outstanding, and won't require more than one edit.  
How long will it take to complete my project?
That largely depends on the type of project being undertaken.  If you wanted a bio for a LinkedIn page, for example, that project might be finalised within 48 hours.  Whereas a month-long email sequence may take a couple of weeks to complete from start to finish.

Adrian will give you an estimated timeframe when he discusses your needs with you, and will update you on his progress throughout the project.
I'm in!  What do you need from me to get started?
Adrian will take you through a series of questions to best understand your business, your story and your objectives, as well as your products and services.

We'll send you a secure onboarding form to ensure we have everything we need for Adrian to write you outstanding copy that converts prospects into paying customers!
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