Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Rank on the first page of google with proven, best-practice techniques

We Boost Your Search Results The Right Way, To Protect The Integrity Of Your Brand

Want To Rank On The First Page Of Google Without Spending Money On Ads?

Want Access To Some Of The Most Qualified Leads In The Market?


Want Your Prospects To Find You Instead Of Working With Your Competitors? 

Want To Rank On The First Page Of Google Without Spending Money On Ads?

Want Access To Some Of The Most Qualified Leads In The Market?

Want Your Prospects To Find You Instead Of Working With Your Competitors? 

Did you know that 75% of people never scroll past the first page of Google when running a search?*

Great statistic if you're on the first page of Google, but pretty frightening if you're not...

In fact, more than 9 out of 10 users will only click on a result that comes from the first page.

Not to mention, the business that holds the most prized piece of digital real estate... the #1 position on a Google search... sees a near 35% Click Through Rate of all traffic searching for that particular product or service (according to

In other words, nearly 35% of all traffic goes to the website that ranks #1 on Google

Which is why it's perhaps never been more important for your business to be visible in all the right places...

And in an ever-changing and increasingly competitive market, that place is the first page on Google (the higher you are, the better).

Which is where SEO comes in!

our SEO service helps your business appear ahead of your Competitors when someone searches for the things you sell

We provide a full suite of custom on-page and off-page SEO, including code edits, content, link building, and reports that help you get on that coveted first page of Google!
Not sure what all of that means?

Don't worry, you're not alone.

But because you're in safe hands, you don't really need to know about all of that technical mumbo-jumbo anyway...

That's where we come in, so you don't have to worry about a thing.

But in case you'd like to understand a little more about how SEO works, here's what you should know...

* According to Hubspot

Here's How It Works...

we do all the heavy lifting to get your website or funnels on the first page of google...

...while you sit back and relax!

Wait, wait, wait, no don't do that.  Sorry we got a bit carried away there.

We do all of the heavy lifting, while you do what you do best - focus on running a successful business like the boss that you are.

we research the top keywords for your industry...

...and put them in the places that matter most - like on your website and in your blog content (known as on-page SEO).

We also work hard to add the right backlinks onto other relevant sites around the internet each month,

that will ethically direct that traffic Away From Your Competitors and towards your business instead.

And that, my friends, is known as off-page SEO.

But the fun doesn't just stop there.

You'll also have access to our all-in-one SEO dashboard which will help you track your progress and view the performance of your campaign, as well as key Google metrics, data and KPIs.

But want to know the best bit...? 

Our team monitors the performance of your campaign, even if you don't!

So that means we're always monitoring and optimising your budget on your behalf.

You're welcome to get stuck into the nitty-gritty details of the campaign if you wish, or, you can just sit back and let us take care of everything with regular SEO health checks done for you.

The choice is completely yours, and makes Search Engine Optimisation as simple as can be.

You're going to love it!

P.S, This Is What Our Dashboard Looks Like...


 Generating Highly-Qualified, HOT Leads
When someone actively searches for a product or service on Google, it generally means that they're going to be a qualified buyer. Why? Because they're looking for what you have to offer!

Unlike social media advertising that can be displayed to anyone (whether they're in the market for what you're selling or not), SEO allows your business to be front of mind for consumers who are actively looking to buy what you sell. The leads don't get any hotter than that!!
 Outranking Your Competitors
​When somebody does a Google search for the products/services that you sell, you want to ensure that your business comes up on the first page. Without being on the first page, your visibility decreases SIGNIFICANTLY, and many customers will never find you. You might have the best product or service in the world, but it's very hard to make sales if people can't find your business.
 Boosting Your Credibility
What says "Industry-Leading Expert" more than being at the top of the world's most powerful search engine, Google? The reality is, most people never look past the first page of Google, but even if they do, they almost always revert straight back to the "trusted" businesses that rank at the top of their search. Fairly or not, those businesses are seen as more credible & legitimate, which is why a lack of perceived credibility can cost you BIG.

Research shows us that significantly greater trust is placed with companies who rank on the first page of Google, allowing companies that do rank on the first page to significantly outperform their competitors.
 Maintaining A Competitive Advantage
If you're experienced in the world of SEO, then you're likely familiar with the ongoing nature of the work, as well as the significant opportunities that it presents your business. However if you've let your SEO efforts slip recently, then your rankings on Google might've slipped too.

Ongoing SEO work allows you and your business to stay relevant, at the top of the Search Engines (and is especially important if you're already there!)
 Getting More Impressions (Views)
Websites that rank on the first page of Google are not only seen as more trustworthy, but they also get significantly more views, leads and business enquiries than their peers who rank on later pages.
 Pre-qualifying Leads And Handling Objections
According to Oberlo, 85% of consumers conduct online research before making a purchase. That means when someone first becomes aware of your brand (or that they need a product/service that you sell), they're most likely going to Google you.

By having a strong online presence that ranks ahead of your competitors, you'll be able to attract more customers, book more sales calls, and close more deals...all with fewer objections because trust will have already been established.

Want To Order SEO?

Skip The Queue is coming soon, but you can still rank on the first page of Google right now!

If you would like to order SEO, simply email us at to place your order!

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Got questions about SEO? We have answers!

Below are answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions

What is SEO?
SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the process of increasing traffic to your website & sales funnels by improving the quality and visibility of your business, when relevant searches are conducted online (via search engines).

When done correctly, SEO allows you to increase the quantity and quality of leads for your business, by targeting the people who are actively searching for the products or services that you sell.
What is the objective of SEO?
The primary objective for a successful SEO campaign is to have your website rank on the first page of Google, and as close to the top as possible.

For example, let's say you own an accounting firm in Washington.  When someone searches for "Accountants Washington," our goal is to have your practice show up first, ahead of your competition.
How does SEO improve my business?
SEO is tangible work being done to your website that strengthens its foundations and makes it more appealing to Search Engines.  As a result, your website ranks higher on Search Engines (such as Google and Bing), and is more visible to prospective clients when they are searching for what you offer.

Ranking on the first page of Google is kind of like renting prime real-estate in the best city in the world.  Everyone wants to live there, but there's only so many properties up for grabs so not everyone gets to.

SEO is the same - everyone wants to be on the first page so they have the highest possible exposure, but only a certain number of businesses can be there at any given one time.
My business already ranks well on Google.  Should I still consider using SEO to help me get more clients?
Yes, absolutely!  A common misconception is that once you're on the first page of Google, you'll stay there.  Unfortunately, this is not the case.

SEO is dynamic, and search rankings/results shift and change frequently.  Google is constantly updating and refining its algorithms, which means it's up to us as business owners to stay ahead of the curve.  Unfortunately what works today, may not work tomorrow.  

As competition increases in your market, it's especially important to continue to build your SEO presence.  Savvy business owners make SEO a non-negotiable part of their marketing campaigns in order to stay relevant, and maintain their websites at the top of search engines.  Their rankings will continue to improve, while others' will drop if they neglect SEO.
How long should I implement SEO into my marketing strategy?
SEO is a long-term marketing strategy that can produce incredible results.  The leads produced from SEO are often some of the highest quality, because it captures people within the market who are actively looking for your products and services.

However, it's not a quick fix.  Whilst the minimum tenure we will provide SEO services to a business for is 3 months, we always recommend a minimum of 6 months of SEO work in order to see the best results.

Think of SEO like going to the gym - you can't just go once and suddenly expect to get six pack abs (we wish that happened though). You have to keep training consistently in order to reach that goal. The same goes for SEO.
An SEO agency guaranteed that my business would rank #1 on Google.  Can you guarantee that too?
No, we cannot.  In fact, no one can actually guarantee that without stretching the truth. No agency can guarantee where you'll rank, however what is guaranteed is that someone will rank #1 on why not you?

With the right SEO work done (completed at the correct pace and in the proper manner), you should expect to see great results.
I've heard that SEO can be harmful to my site?  Is that correct?
Unfortunately, some agencies who offer SEO services do so with a very short-term focus in mind, which can be harmful to your rankings and your business.

In order to appear to be generating results faster for their clients, some companies deploy what are known as "Black Hat" SEO strategies.  These are practices that go against a search engine's Terms of Service, such as duplicating content, placing invisible text on sites, linking sites with non-relevant content, keyword stuffing, sneaky redirect links and cloaking.  In essence, it makes your website look like spam.

If caught, Black Hat SEO practices can get your website banned, and may cause serious reputational damage to your brand.  In our opinion, losing the trust of your customers is just not worth the risk. 

On the other hand, "White Hat" SEO techniques (which we deploy), are legitimate & safe SEO practices which improve your search engine ranking, and are not harmful to your business.

White Hat SEO conforms to search engine guidelines, allowing you to maintain the integrity of your website and business whilst you grow at the same time!

Our recommendation is that if somebody offers to deliver you fast SEO results, be cautious and do your homework.  Faster is not always better when it comes to SEO.
What's the difference between on-page SEO vs off-page SEO?
Any work that’s done on your website, such as titles, tags, descriptions, content, website structure etc., is known as On-Page SEO. 

Any work not done directly to your site, such as blog writing, link building, social sharing, bookmarking, certain forms of content etc., is known as Off-Page SEO.
How often does Google update its algorithms?
Like most platforms, unfortunately Google doesn't share this information.  However from our experience, we tend to see small updates consistently, and major algorithm updates occurring every few months.

We track over 1 million key terms with our SEO, which allows us to quickly identify trends and observe fluctuations across a wide range of businesses.  This allows us to evaluate what's working best at any given point in time, and make adjustments to our clients' campaigns as required.
What are backlinks and why are they important?
A backlink is simply a link from one website to another, which signals search engines and drives traffic to the targeted website.

Building backlinks safely can be complex, and it's important to avoid mass link-building or black-hat SEO techniques.  We take our time to ensure our backlinks come from relevant sites to your business, which often leads your business to ranking much higher than your competitors (who focus solely on on-page SEO work).
I'm in!  What do you need from me to get started?
You legend! To complete SEO services, we will need access to a number of things from you.  We'll need to understand your niche, target location, and have access to your Google Analytics, Google My Business, and website hosting logins.

Don't worry, after you speak with us we'll send you a secure onboarding form for you to complete, or provide you with alternative information if you aren't currently using any of the above associated Google services.
How do I place an order?
Simply email us at or reach out to Adrian on social media!
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